Ms Fowlers questions
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last edited
by PBworks 17 years ago
- Why did more people protest in the afternoon than in the mornings?
- Why was segregation so bad in Louisiana?
- Why did they call the 3 women who swore at Ruby “cheerleaders”?
- On page 35 white teenagers were shown protesting segregation. What were they thinking?
- Were Ruby’s parents good parents, or not?
- Why was Governor Jimmie Davis threatening to close the schools when he was part of the government?
- On page 28 white people were making scary faces at the white kids who went to William Frances. Why were they doing this?
- On page 21, what is your reaction to the black doll in the coffin?
- On page 32 (with the burning cross), the New Orleans Times reported, “A woman shouted, the judge is dead. We have slaughtered him.” Why did she shout something like that when you could go to jail for it?
- What is your reaction to Ruby receiving a letter from Eleanor Roosevelt, the first lady?
- Why was leaving school more frightening leaving than arriving?
Ms Fowlers questions
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