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Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli

Guiding Questions

Chapters 10-18


1.    Uri trys to teach Misha lessons that will help him survive. What information does he need to know? What skills is he learning?

2.    What does Misha find the in the cemetery? Why is he so interested in the statue?

3.    Describe the orphanage run by Dr. Korczak. What does Misha do to help them? What does Dr. Korczak do to help Misha? Why does Misha want to help?

4.    Describe the merry-go-round. How does Misha feel about it? How does it get him into trouble? How does it get others in trouble?

5.    All of the town’s Jews are being sent to the ghetto. How do the Jews behave on the way there? Once they get there? What does Misha think about the ghetto?

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